Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Surprise! It's David Cook!

It's really him!!!


"I'll wait till they are done screaming..."

"I'll scream too!"

Kelsey couldn't make it...sad

"Look at me!!"

He was such a great guy. So humble and a good sport with all the pictures and fuss. Best of luck to David Cook!!

Happy Summer!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, I'm officially no longer a high school student!!! I graduated on May 19th and here are some pictures from that wonderful event.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hello All! I know everyone was wondering how my dress turned out so here are some pictures from prom. I went with my friend Luke to both my prom and his prom.

my best friends

the big group

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bonfire Anyone?

Here are a couple pictures of the pile of limbs that we collected after the ice storm last month. On a bright note we shouldn't have as many leaves to rake next fall since our bigger trees lost about 30% of their branches. Now all we have left to do is the branches in the back lot... I am soooo sick of branches. Hope that everyone is doing well.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year !!!!!

Wow - some people really know how to party... they even decorate their car!!!

Thank you Carrie and Gregg for being such good sports. Hopefully the smell of stale beer has left the car. It was great seeing everyone (well - everyone except Ashlea's crew and Kevin's gang :( ). I hope that everyone had a safe and fun New Years Eve.


A Vandal's Notes to Self

Ok - so this has been a very informative event. Here are some of the lessons learned from our weekend vandal session.

1. Outdoor vandalism should only be done in temperatures 50 degrees F or warmer.
2. Wal-Mart Stock persons may not be the most helpful individuals at 2:30 am.
3. Christmas wrapping paper should be purchased before Christmas to guarantee availability.
4. WD40 should be used on all access doors prior to vandalism (this keeps the parental members from losing sleep from frequent opening and closing of access points).
5. Blowing up 70+ balloons can cause vertigo.
6. Blowing up balloons after consuming alcohol my cause an unpleasant stench for those who pop the balloons.

and last but not least ...

7. Never get caught in incriminating photos :)

With these lessons learned I believe that our next adventure will be even better.
- partner in crime