Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter Wonderland in Oklahoma!!

Well after 6 days with no power we are finally back up and running. Here are some of the pictures of mother natures landscaping.

And now the clean up.... yipie!!!

I hope that everyone is doing well... don't be afraid to post!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Marcus Rackers - welcome to the world!

Congratulations Mitch and Debbie and the beautiful baby boy. We can't wait to meet him.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Tim's Confirmation

Hello this is Jackie again. Tim's confirmation was Friday and Mitch and Debbie came and spent the weekend with us. Tim was confirmed with a homeschool group and the Archbishop came to a mass for just the 14 homeschooled kids. Unfortunately we forgot our camera so Mitch and Debbie have the only pictures of his actual confirmation. On Saturday morning we went for a hike in the woods that are behind our house and went swimming. I succeeded in winning two games of freeze tag in the pool! The rest of the day we just hung out around the house and played a few games. Sunday we went to the zoo, ate a picnic lunch, and Mitch and Debbie left from there. It was a great weekend!! Here are a few of the many pictures I took.

Everyone after mass with the Confirmation boy

Us on our hike

Taking a break

A bunch of warriors about to
attack me! The boys' got a real
kick out of playing war.
The house was a war zone the
whole weekend.

Who's who? From the back
Lucas and Nick look
extraordinarily alike. The only
difference is the hair cut.

All 14 of us fit around our HUGE table.

Our navigators figuring out
where to go next.

Us kids on a Gorilla

Playing in the waterfall
Will and Peter playing
Who can find the animal first.

Lucas, Nick, & Addie in front
of the Chimps

It was a really fun weekend!! Thanks again Mitch and Debbie for coming out!

New House

Hey this is Jackie! We're finally getting around to post pictures of our new house. Well at least I am. Here is the virtual tour of our house.

The outside of the house

Our computer/toy room

The front room

The family room

Another view of the family room

The dining room & kitchen

The boys' room

My parents' room

My room!!

Mary's/soon to be Josh's room

I hope that satisfied everyone's curiosity until you all can come and visit!


Hello everyone--
Just wanted to share some of the projects I've been working on lately. I submitted my final thesis draft about 2 weeks ago, so now I'm waiting to get the edits of my faculty. To pass the time, I'm trying to pretend like I have 1/4 the talent of Mom at the sewing machine.

My first project was a couple of baby pillows for friends who have recently had or will be having babies:

The "M" pillow is for a baby named Margaret, and the "Peanut" pillow is for my friend Joyce who doesn't know yet what she is having (since they don't know the sex, they are calling the baby Peanut all the time). As you can see, I didn't quite have the dimensions right on the first pillow so the cover didn't fit quite as nicely as it did on the second one. But, the second was probably the hardest since it was the first time I've ever used the embroidery function on my sewing machine.

As you know, a few weeks ago I was in Missouri visiting Mom and Dad. While I was there, Dad and I worked on building a bench to put on our back deck. Its a pretty small space and we needed something that gave us a little extra Dad engineered the perfect piece. We had to take it apart to get it back here to Chicago, so Gregg now thinks that he helped "build" it since he put it back together and painted it:). The first picture is just the bench and the second is the bench with the cushions I sewed for it.

That's all for now. Hope you are all doing well!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Family assignments

Thanks Carrie for blogging about your graduation... and congrats on that. OK everyone else I know you have something to share. Keith and Cheryl you have a new home that we would love to see online. Kelsey - post those prom pictures already. Any team sport pictures that you would like to share.....

Monday, May 21, 2007


Hello everyone!
Well, I think it is about time that someone posted on this thing again...put Angie's hard work to use :). A week ago, Mom and Dad made their first joint trip to Chicago and it was a very exciting time. They drove to St. Louis on Thursday and stayed with Keith and Cheryl in their beautiful new house. In addition to beating Tim and Keith at pinochle, Dad couldn't stop talking about how well laid out their new home is. Friday morning, Keith drove them to the train station early and they rode the Amtrak here to Chicago. It was Dad's first time on a train and only the second time for Mom (the other time she can't remember because she was really young). They loved it. Dad was like a little kid in a candy shop--talking to the engineer and conductor, listening to the engine, and of course observing the sights along the way. Mom was happy that they could get up and move around, sleep and relax the entire trip. They are now planning all of their trips by rail...its "the only way to travel". I was so happy when they arrived safely and I was able to show them around a little.

Saturday was graduation day for me. I technically received my Master's hood in a ceremony on Thursday, but to accommodate travelers they recognized me and a few other classmates in the ceremony on Saturday. Mom and Dad met Gregg's parents for the first time and after the ceremony we all went out to dinner along with Gregg's sisters Tammy and Laurie. It was an awesome evening, one which made Gregg and I realize that we are going to have a very loud wedding with all of the talkers in our families!

Here are a few pictures of graduation and the families. The sun was really bright, so please excuse the fact that we all have our eyes closed!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Just A Hair Short

Well the Giesler household is a hair shorter now. After a few years of growing out her hair Shelby has decided to donate her long locks to "Locks of Love".

We had a hard time cutting through all of that hair - it was so thick.

But we were triumphant against that unruly mop.

Check out our before and after.

Shelby says that her head feels about 5 pounds lighter now.

We would love to hear your stories.... so start blogging already!!!!